Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Tunisia Climate

Tunisia enjoys a Mediterranean climate in the North and along its coast. The weather is brightened up and the temperatures are very pleasant all year round. The climate in Tunisia varies with the region. Experience the combination of African and Mediterranean climate. No doubt, Tunisia is famous for hot and dry summers also had mild winters in some region.

The landscape of Tunisia varies and so does the climate. Spring which visits Tunisia from March through May covers the countryside with wild flowers. From June to September, the whole country is seasoned by warm weather and the month of August is the hottest month in the year. This is the time to refresh and relax in the cool waters of Mediterranean Sea. In autumn season which remains from October to December, the country experiences golden sun which warms up the sea.

The Northern region of Tunisia enjoys typically Mediterranean climate with hot and dry summers and mild winters whereas, the Southern territory of Tunisia has summers hotter when compared to the Northern parts of the country.

Due to the proximity to the Sahara Desert, the Southern region experiences unpleasant summer with high humidity which makes the region arid and dry. The desert region of Tunisia is always few degrees higher than the rest of the parts of Tunisia. The hot Sirocco winds alleviate the temperature in this region to mid-40° C.

The best time to visit Tunisia to enjoy sailing, surfing, diving, golfing, exploring the ancient relics and remains or spending time in desert and oasis is in between October and May when the temperature varies from 12-28° C.

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